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Germany Email Marketing Tools every Nonprofit Needs in 2024

更多 发布于:2024-03-09 17:34
Choose carefully the type of ad for your campaign
WendysInstagram A single ad where you show your product is not the same as a
carousel where several images are displayed, where you can show, for example, a
collection of your new creations or play several images. Another option offered
by this social network is to include a video, which cannot last more than 60
seconds. During that time, everyone is free to show what they want. These are
different ways to reach your audience. Therefore, you should think carefully before
launching and try several of them to decide later which one is the one that
works best. 4.- Make good use of space Intagram profile Many times, people tend
to fill all the available space with things, believing they will be more
attractive to the audience. This is a serious mistake, even more when it comes
to Instagram, as it is a network that leaves very little space to tell what is
really important.
Also think about this, where do your Germany Email List users look at the
content? They do it more and more from their mobile devices. So, when it comes
to exposing your ideas, do not lengthen your texts or people will stop reading
you. Sometimes, less is more. 5.- Image size to choose instagram image size
Instagram is a visual social network. This means it has images as its basis.
Therefore, you must consider the ideal measures for your images to be of
quality and not small and blurry. Recommended measures for horizontal ads is a
minimum of 600×315 pixels, while for square ads it is 600×600 pixels. The ideal
size to use is the square format with 1080×1080 pixels. 6.- Use #hashstags
Hashtags on Instagram #hashtags are one of the most interesting digital
marketing tools to attract your audience. Therefore, it is important that you
include them in your posts. Of course, you must not include any hashtag. As
Jenn Herman points out, “hashtags are the secret ingredient of Instagram.

They are the ones driving interaction and ensuring long-term
results.” Also, it is advisable that you use between 10 and 35 hashtags per
post, with a maximum of 30, but these numbers change all the time. 7.- Avoid
hashjacking hashjacking It is fashionable to tag a publication with all kind of
hashtags simply because they are popular. The only thing you will achieve doing
this is to have an effect that is contrary to what you were looking for in your
publications, as many hashtags are irrelevant and do not help your business
grow. Therefore, you must choose hashtags carefully for your publications. The
best selection must consider the following aspects: Most popular hashtags:
Those that appear on a million or more posts. Moderately popular hashtags:
Those with hundreds of thousands of posts. Unusual hashtags: Those with tens of
thousands of posts. Your brand hashtags.
