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I will ask you something

更多 发布于:2023-10-03 15:05
You know SetGBT as a 'Large Language Model'. It's actually powered by artificial intelligence, interacting precisely in natural language with the words you give it, prompting questions. Its success lies in the fact that its response is the same as that of humans. Not only that, but it is a device that answers and wins the toughest competitive exams better than a human. This is where the problem arises. Because WhatsApp Number List there is a risk that the real knowledge of the examinees will not be revealed. During the Covid-19 era itself, there has been a lot of variation in mock exams. As the world is today, many countries are still stuck in various incarnations of the infection, and forced to continue the actual exams, 'Written, Klia, student?' Hard to find. There may be corruption in the education sector.

A study was carried out to see how difficult (academic) questions could be generated and answered by satGBT. It was clear, correct, precise, relevant, deep and broad, logically compatible, thought out and answered real (original) questions, and demonstrated the ability to answer questions with room for questioning. Hence, it is not only a device for repeating information but also enables deep thinking. It is this situation that has raised concerns among academics.

Academics fear that students will have a better chance of appearing and passing the exams with satGBT. It was asked what should be done to prevent this from happening.

Use of stimulating devices/similar tools by students should be prohibited. (Researchers comment: It cannot be taken as a panacea for all ailments.)
Exam organizers should use secure browsers to prevent them from receiving answers from other websites or similar ones. (Analysts comment: Cost effective)
Using anti-plagiarism software applications, you can track students using satgpt or similar. (Analysts comment: This method does not help as satGPD itself has the ability to give unique responses to each stimulus)
With language machine operations, artificial intelligence can detect whether students have written the exam. (Analysts Comment: This method also has some risks. These still need to be developed. Also, cost is high. Not many universities can do it.)
Teach students kindness and make them realize that there is no lasting success at crossroads. (Analysts opined: Theft cannot be eradicated if the thieves are not caught)

Above are the instructions given by Sadegpt. Here are some ways the people who conducted the study say it:

SetGBT is based on human language. Therefore, questions can be framed by incorporating images into the questions.
In pre-recorded videos, you can also attach a word question to the image.
Directly ask questions.
However, the time is fast approaching when artificial intelligence can recognize every word, image, and hidden letter.
